I have SO much great stuff that should be gracing my blog soon, it’s just a matter of scrounging up the time to get the posts ready and written! More information on what’s been keeping me so busy will also be shared soon! 🙂 In the meantime, I realized that I never shared the images from this really fun styled shoot that was put together by Ashton Kelley at her workshop in The Outerbanks back in March. It was a real pleasure giving a lecture for her and watching the attendees in action but it was all so beautiful I just had to jump in and snag a few images myself too.
So without further ado, here are some of my favorites. You may never know by looking at them that it was about 40 degrees and oh so windy, and we just barely missed getting poured on by the rain. But I still love the look. Ashton’s friend Lara Jill of Simply Gorgeous Events really put this together very well with the help of some local vendors that lent their amazing props.